I'm Chrysta! I love helping people become the best versions of themselves!
Growing up as a competitive dancer, I was always very active. When I went to college I found myself gaining weight and struggling to find something that would keep my body moving. That's when I fell in love with a dance exercise program, and my journey fitness began! I have been teaching group fitness classes for over 23 years, however I knew I was being called to do more. I began working one on one with clients as a Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. As I grew as a Coach and began to have my own issues with diet and nutrition, I found myself wanting to discover more - why?!? What's going on in my body that is causing me not to feel well, tired, groggy and gaining weight and not even being able to lose weight? Long story short, it was how I was exercising and the foods I was putting in my mouth. Now I realize how important it is for everyone to be evaluated individually and observe the root causes of our issues. As a Corrective Exercise and Nutrition Specialist, I am able to do just that and help others overcome the obstacles they face!
Life threw me a curve ball when I found myself a divorced single mother of three. Even though it was a very painful, dark time, as I wondered how I would ever get to the other side, God had a plan to use this disaster for His good. Now, I am happily remarried to my amazing husband, Chris, and together we have a blended family of seven children and two son-in-laws. Together we lead a DivorceCare Ministry at our church. It is through this divorce/marriage ministry that has opened up doors of opportunity to allow me
to become a Certified Life and Mental Health Coach, specializing in leading women going through separation and divorce, and help them rebuild their lives.
Today, with the Lord's blessing, I have been able to combine all that I am passionate about into a beautiful business of showing others not only how to survive, but thrive. Everyone deserves to live life to the fullest, and that takes hard work, self-discipline and determination. It is important that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are well balanced; each plays a vital role in our overall wellness. Let's get started on your journey together to make the most out of every special day we've been blessed to live!